Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm sick of MMO Comments that is Stupid!

I know that all kinds of People are posting all kinds of Comments for Various MMO's, like Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures that is pictured. The Comments are on all over the internet that says "Don't play Age of Conan because it will be dead by 2009 since it's [Bleep]." and "AOC is [Bleep]", and etc. I think that most people are saying comments on the internet is because they troll the internet to be a troll to get people to play a game they like, or not play a game at at out of the troll's emotional with no facts stance of opionion. My advice is that don't go by what others say, just try the game out for your self to see if you like it. Also if you're going to be a troll, and complain all the time then don't play the game at all then.

Have a good day and Game ON! :)

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