Most reviews say stay away from SLI or Crossfire because of not much of a performance boost in Dual card setup, but not any more performance boost in Tri, or Quad Card Setup. Second reason is that it's expensive, for example a Nvidia Geforce GTX 295 costs $500.00, which equals $532.00 after taxes in US Dollars. That Means it will cost $1,064.00, which equals around $1,124-$1,200 for a Quad SLI Setup.
My Opinion is that it is necessary for a SLI or Crossfire setup for Ultra High Resolutions and Settings if you're a hardcore gamer with lots of money, or can save a lot of money in small amounts of time.
So My conclusion is don't trust what Reviews, bloggers, and other websites and the people that runs them ruin the fun of playing a game for ya, if you have the money and want to have a better gameplay experience than a Console can provide than it is recommended to go SLI or Crossfire for the graphics horsepower.
Also just want to tell you the comments are off for this article because people will say that they can build a very high end computer for $500.00, which is false because it is going to not run the newest games, and any recent to a few year old games at the highest settings (unless it's a old game Like Half-Life or 2.)
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