Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Video Game Reviews

I will tell you the upcoming plans for video game reviews. Before I get to them I need to mention something. Some of the games I will review, I'm going to not appreciate comments that are negative ("[game title] is g**". Or "[Game Title] is Dead, go play [game title] because it's better than this s***.) mainly MMO games such as World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings Online, Warhammer Online, you get the idea. That means the comments are not to be on the MMO games. If the comment is on an MMO game will have to be a nice comment or no comment at all. This comment rule is the same for the other games.

Note: Not all games will be reviewed until I get the equipment to play the game on.
Here's a Break down of Game Reviews by Platform.

Windows PC
World of Warcraft, Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King

Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures

Lord of the Rings Online, Mines of Moria

EVE Online

Star Wars Galaxies

City of Heroes/Villians

Champions Online

Star Wars Kotor, 2

Crysis, Warhead

Halo, 2

Fallout 3

Grand Theft Auto 4

Assassin's Creed

and Many More to come....

Xbox 360
Fallout 3

Fable 2

Halo 3

Grand Theft Auto 4

Assassin's Creed

Halo Wars


Bioshock 2 Sea of Dreams

and Many More to come....

Playstation 3
Resistance Fall of Man, 2

Fallout 3

Killzone 2

and Many More to Come....

Super Mario Galaxy

Mario Kart Wii

Zelda Twilight Princes

The Conduit

and Many More to Come

So that is a brief list of what I'm planning to review in the future, but for now just treat this as a plan for the blog. That means don't think that I'm going to do them, it might happen but it will take time.

Have a great day and Game On. :)

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